
Featured by The Sun Newspaper – Community Consultations

Article by the Sun News paper

Zixtech HUB, i4Policy organise seminar to propose policies for digital rights

July 4, 2023 

Link of Article: https://thesunnewspaper.cm/zixtech-hub-i4policy-organise-seminar-to-propose-policies-for-digital-rights/?fs=e&s=cl


Zixtech HUB and i4Policy on Saturday June 24, 2023 organised a one-day seminar in Limbe to propose policies for digital rights to UNESCO tagged “Community consultation to contribute to an Internet for trust.

Speaking during the event the founder and CEO of Zixtech HUB Paul Mbua said the purpose of the training was to bring youths and other stakeholders in the area of technology and also entrepreneurship to discuss the various policy proposal in term of digital rights, freedom and safety online.

The seminar was facilitated by i4Policy in partnership with Zixtech HUB to come up with frame work to propose policies and ideas that will help to regulate digital media in general.

Quizzed on the way forward after the seminar Paul Mbua said the proposals will be sent to UNESCO after the general consultations it will be compiled, frame and share to other policy stakeholders all over the world.

“After this we will send the deliberations over to i4Policy and UNESCO that will enable the committee to look through the policy proposals and also regulatory proposals for them to come up with a working documents that will be shared at United Nation.” Paul Mbua explained.

He urged the over 30 participants that they have right online and it need to be protected where ever they find themselves and also to involve in term of policy to draft and put a way forward on what they want to see in digital platform in term of safety and regulation.

One of the the participants Nyuibe Stanley, CEO of Royalex digital said the seminar was all about formulating recommended policy on how digital platform should be regulated. He emphasised that the seminar was successful one because he got to understand different things on how policy can be managed and how the policy should be implemented in different domain.