GDG Limbe community hosted by ZixtechHUBFlutter by Google hosted by ZixtechHUBITC Ye Meetup by ZixtechHUBITC Ye Meetup by ZixtechHUBITC Ye Meetup by ZixtechHUBSpeakers of Virtual Meetup Grant by ZixtechHUBSpeakers of Virtual Meetup Grant by ZixtechHUBDigital Marketing trainingDigital Marketing trainingDigital Marketing trainingGoogle I/O hosted by Zixtech HUBGoogle I/O hosted by Zixtech HUBGoogle I/O hosted by Zixtech HUBFlutter festival hosted by ZixtechTech Festival in Partnership with ZixtechHUBFlutter festival hosted by ZixtechTech Festival in Partnership with ZixtechHUBTech Festival in Partnership with ZixtechHUBGDG Limbe on Coding hosted by ZixtechGDG Limbe on Coding hosted by ZixtechITC Bootcamp in Tanzania on AFCTAITC Bootcamp in Tanzania on AFCTAAU Fellowship Program led by AfriLabsAU Fellowship Program led by AfriLabsExpert mentor /Speaker for Datagirl programExpert mentor /Speaker for Datagirl programFacilitator / Trainer on Investment ReadinessTrainer on ILO SIYB ProgramSpeaker on the Cameroon Tech Ecosystem in British PavillonTrainer on ILO SIYB ProgramMasterclass Training on Investment readinessMasterclass Training on Investment readiness