
Zixtech HUB selected by ITC to be Regional Spotlight for Ecopreneur Program 2024

The Ye! Youth Ecopreneur Programme powers the green and just transition by investing in young entrepreneurs as catalysts for sustainable development, environmental justice, and advocacy for climate action. The Programme cultivates, accelerates, and amplifies youth-led green business solutions. With the Program’s special focus on nurturing and catalyzing youth entrepreneurship for sustainable land management and ecological restoration, it aims to play a pivotal role in restoring degraded land and halting the degradation of healthy soil and ecosystems.

The Programme is centred around the objective of cultivating a new generation of ecopreneurs who view land restoration as a viable and profitable business endeavor It will advocate for the importance of green (land) youth entrepreneurship, raise awareness, and foster sustainable land management practices and social values that prioritize environmental sustainability.

The Ye! Youth Ecopreneur Programme builds on an existing and successful formula that taps and fosters youth entrepreneurship. Through innovation, mentorship, advocacy initiatives, community engagement and market linkages, the Program provides young leaders with the comprehensive tools and platforms they need to scale their eco-conscious businesses and advocacy movements. The initiative is orchestrated around five core areas: a Global Bootcamp and Global Accelerator to provide skills and seed funding, the Youth Ecopreneur Awards to recognize and incentivize outstanding initiatives, the Ye! Community for peer learning and institutional support, ecosystem strengthening to build a robust network of stakeholders, and advocacy and awareness to influence policy and public opinion towards sustainable practices.

For more detailed information, please refer to the website of the Ye! Youth Ecopreneur Programme: Youth Ecopreneur Programme | Ye! Community (yecommunity.com)
About the Ye! Ecopreneur Regional Spotlight
The regional spotlights will enrich the online experience by offering tailored content that reflects the unique context of each region.

The Ecopreneur Regional Spotlight will add value in the following ways:
– Act as the focal point for participants in your regional spotlight
– Develop and conduct one online session during the Global Bootcamp focused on topics crucial to individuals in your regional spotlight.
– Host weekly (in total 9) online meet-ups specific to your regional spotlight during the Bootcamp and lead discussions and offer support to participants
– Participate as the judge for the Bootcamp pitching to determine the candidates for the Accelerator.
– Act as focal point during the Accelerator for entrepreneurs of your group
– Select testimonials of the young entrepreneurs
– Be responsible to collect monitoring and evaluation data
– Participate at the Training of Trainers (ToT) for Business Support Organization during the Programme